COMU – Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University

Project Coordinator

COMU is a modern state university, committed to world- class academic excellence. The reputation and popularity of COMU in Turkey is based on the high-quality teaching and learning experience available to students at the university.

With its 44.700 students, COMU is one of the most competitive universities in Turkey, and always looking for more talented people to play a part in its future. At COMU, students have access to wide-ranging learning resources and up-to-date facilities. COMU possesses a research fund which encourages the progress and development of society by financing scientific research projects. In addition, COMU actively seeks to propose and develop projects within international research programmes.

COMU has attracted millions of Euros in research grants and contract income from a variety of funders, including the EU, the Turkish Science and Technology Research Council (TUBITAK), the Turkish Ministry of Development, the Turkish Higher Education Council and various NGOs.